Confessions of a Teenage Girl is a blog site written and designed by Teenage Girl in the real world. The writer goes by the name Alba.Dallas but this is not her real name. It gives regular updates about the life of the teenage girl and the funny and completcated life that every teen lives also gives reviews on the latest sites, blogs, music and movies :D

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

I don't want to grow old !!

For the past couple of months I have been thinking about the future. A LOT !!!! and for the first time in my entire life I understand why people want to be like Peter Pan, I hate the feeling of going out into the BIG bad world. It is SCARY.

I mean I have a few years until I offically start my so called " Adult" life. I mean right now I am just starting my Exams and SQAs and that is scary enough but the future is what is bothering me right at this moment. I mean when I get older and hopefully get into Uni , I would have to move out and rent a flat. I would fend for myself ! I have to buy Food, Bathroom Stuff and get myself around everywhere !!!! :(

Right now as I said I am sitting my SQAs ( Scottish Exams) and I am crapping it. I mean my whole life relays on this one single exam, my future will be written in that exams and quite frankly that is shit scary. No doubt I will go all sarcastic in my english essay like my prelims. No joke my english teacher was like " don't use slang" and " Don't be so sarcastic" and my reply was " Don't be so judging" yeah that didn't end all to well :(

I still don't get why what we do in High School comes with us our whole life. I mean I tottally think I would be so different as a adult ( well I hope )  than I am now.

When I try to revise I get distracted. Either by the nextdoor nieghbours toddlers singing " Woobie Woobie Woo War Are Wou " or a text message or even peoples facebook status. If there was a Exam and them then I would pass with flying colours.

Anyway I better go and "Revise" :D watch lasts night Glee to be honest.
See you next time...x
( I am so tempted to go " XOXO Gossip Girl" but yeah I choose not to )

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