Confessions of a Teenage Girl is a blog site written and designed by Teenage Girl in the real world. The writer goes by the name Alba.Dallas but this is not her real name. It gives regular updates about the life of the teenage girl and the funny and completcated life that every teen lives also gives reviews on the latest sites, blogs, music and movies :D

Sunday, 25 April 2010


OMG I haven't Blogged in ages, like years, ( ok a bit over Ex there) ok a couple days. !!!! Sorry I have been Revising ( Yes Revising !!!! ) haha and I have been at a Friends house ( Well not really a friend a girl I fel sorry for)

So anyway... a couple of days ago I got invited to this Sweet 16 party by a girl that I know but dont really talk to. So I agreed and was like yeah I can socialize and all that. So the day befor (Friday) I was ill (like bug ill) and I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go and so I ask my friend (not the girl whos party it was) and I was like I don't think I can go (unless you want me to spew all over the place ) and she was like aww I am not going anyway and all that and then she told me she doesn't think anyone is going. So I felt major sorry, so i decided I would go and just drop the present of. But my mum had to put the guilit trip on me ( I hate when they do that !!!!!) by saying well she would be upset if knowone came to my 16th so I should go for a litttle while.

So once I got there I kinda thought there was going to be one or two people there BUT NO it was only me and this girl :( I was like wooooo raave. haha and she had a sweet 16 banner up and that in her room. Guess what we did ????? We talked. As in Awkward silences and that on her bed. !!!!!!! I was like omg this party is banging. So I felt so uncomfortably and was so I texted my brother to phone me and make up something. So phoned me and made up this unimageble story about my granny coming back alive and that he would pick me up. I had never been embrassed in al my life.

Ok so that is my excuse !!!! ( and her parents we like old and stuck up and like EVIILLLL ) :D
can you feel the love I have for that girl !!?

Anyway has anyone seen the new Eclipse Trailer :D I have .. ( Youtube is amazing when you can't see Oprah in Scotland) and I have to admit it is pretty good but I would have like some Bella and Edward action !!!! I can't wait until Rob and Kris are on Oprah :D haha I hope see ask the Robsten question. :D

I have been revising for Exams like crazy so updates have been SLLOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW. Sorry

I seen a Gif. of Robert in Remeber Me and it was behind the seens with that girl Caroline and it was so cute. Me and my friend were like " I wanna have your babies get serious like crazy" ;) I also have a crush ( O I feel so young) on Justin Bieber :D Yeah it is legal he is older than me !!! ( By a few months) and I so want him. But not his babies cause then they would look like 13 for ever :(

Ok I have 2 followers :D Yeah ( Happppyy Dappy Dance) so thanks :D

and over an out ( like in a walkie talkie voice )


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